Thursday, July 31, 2008

Proper Hot Tub Etiquette...

A special video just for you. This was forwarded to me by my good friend Belinda, who, like me, detests forwards with a passion. So if I get a forward from her, I know it's some seriously funny shit.

Well, let's just say I was right. This was some seriously funny SHIT.


SHADOW said...

Girl, you are LATE with this video...

And yes, it has been proven to be fake... :-)

Bluestreak said...

WTF was that? pee-blood? nastiness. gotta love sharing bodily fluids with people you potentially don´t want to have sex with.

LadyHAHA said...

shadow: nooo way how could they fake that? it was ewwwww. still...muy entertaining.

bluestreak: i think the girl thought she was going to fart it up in the hot tub on the low low..and ended up shitting herself. fun stuff.