Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Empty Barrell

What I should be doing.....

*Pick up the dog chocolates in the backyard
*Finish my short story
*Practice the accordion...(wha? Did you forget about Polkadonna's plan to rule the world one polka-interpreted Madonna song at a time?)
*Write a semi interesting blog post and maybe update No More Wire Hangers at some point this year!

What I eventually end up doing...

Logging on to Myspace
Checking, then Perez Hilton, then Madonnalicious..
Checking my (personal) email.
Watching the L Word. (I had this on my netflix list, started season one and now I can't seem to stop watching the damn show long enough to wipe my own ass. I'm officially addicted)
Watching random You Tube vids that get forwarded to me via email
Looking at this picture and wondering what good ol' Angelina is up to....

I didn't know open meadows were

Oh to be a sunflower in Angelina's meadow...

If you didn't already know, this is a filler post until my brain starts working again. I just didn't want to leave you all in Tiffany hell for another week.


Tug said...

I SO want tickets to your Accordion world tour!!!

and a field of wildflowers strangely enough...

Anonymous said...

I plum forgot that you are one of the last living accordiam players (my dad loved his, but he was born in 1915 and has been dead for about 20 years...). I'll give you a cool twenty bucks if you post a YouTube video of you squeezing out your best song and send me a link so that I can post it on my profile page.

Would that be your first paying gig? If so, I'll be hoping for a mention on the sleeve of your first CD...

LadyHAHA said...

tug: girl, front row season pass baby! haha!

elizabeth: Oh snap, my first paying gig? I better hop to it on the practicing!