A REAL quote from Ryan Seacrest in this week's USMagazine:
" I look for a woman that really knows how to put shoes, belts and purses together."
Umm.. by "woman" you mean "man" right Ryan? Can someone tell this guy that he has crossed over the metro line and has officially become mayor of gay town?

A.) her dad was my favorite teacher in high school B.) The B.E.P.s rock the house.
But after turning my head away from some of her bad fashion choices, peeing on herself during a concert (side effects from tranny operation?) and the fact that her face is slowly morphing into Gene Shalit's, I couldn't hold myself in any longer...what is going ON with her stomach in this picture? Especially that gaping hold on her right side. It looks like she got a discount lipo by Dr. Stevie Wonder. She's got some "lumps" alright.. they're just not as lovely as she claimed.
*Brangelina is pregnant and the Judge grants Jolie's adopted kids with Pitt's name. BUT they STILL haven't answer the real question...are Brad and Angelina DATING?!?
*Katie Holmes' new movie, "Thank You For Smoking," premiered at the Sundance Film Festival but the film was mysteriously missing a sex scene that Katie had with co-star Aaron Eckart. They CLAIM that the projectionist screwed up the reels and left it at that. I personally went up there and checked on the projectionist myself and he was passed out cold! After reviving him, he reportedly claimed that someone had come into the booth, screeched "DIE ALIEN SEED!" and konked him over the head. Police are currently looking for this man: